Spades Park Neighborhood Association.

Helping Neighbors Help Each Other Become the Latest Up-And-Coming Indy Neighborhood.

Spades Park Neighborhood Logo

Stay on top of what's happening by attending the neighborhood meetings!

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday evening each month, 6-8pm at the Spades Park Branch of the Indianapolis Public Library.
There's a nice room upstairs that we use for our meeting.

Now, we're getting started again!

Please join us upstairs at the Spades Park Library.

Meet your neighbors!
Get help with issues!
Be the change you want to see!

We will be getting updates from neighborhood leaders and discussing things to help our neighborhood! We are excited to start anew and get involved again!


More info will be added to these pages.

And this will help get more people involved in our association.

Pretty soon, we'll see more good things happening!

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